
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

New features ✨

  • we have added some new colour variations forTraditional Heritage (Blue) #867
    • --col-heritage-75 - 75%
    • --col-heritage-50 - 50%
    • --col-heritage-25 - 25%
  • the following Icons have been added to the icon set #856
    • arrow-left
    • arrow-left-outline
    • arrow-right
    • arrow-right-outline
    • check-outline
    • check-special
    • clipboard
    • collapse
    • dropdown
    • edit-calendar
    • expand
    • eye
    • favourite
    • filter
    • handshake
    • microphone
    • newspaper
    • pause
    • pause-outline
    • play
    • play-outline
    • rest
    • sort-up
    • sort-down
    • start
    • warning
  • the size of the Icon can now be defined by the data-size attribute #856
    • xs
    • sm
    • md
    • lg
    • xl
    • xxl
<span data-icon="..." data-size="xs">...</span>
  • the size of the Icon label can now be defined by the data-label-size attribute #876
    • sm
    • md
    • lg
<span data-icon="..." data-label-size="lg">...</span>
  • the Icon label can now be hidden by using the data-hide-label attribute #856
<span data-icon="..." data-hide-label="true">...</span>
  • the Icon can expand to fill its container element by using the data-fill attribute #856
<span data-icon="..." data-fill="true">...</span>
  • new icon css mixin. It accepts two properties: #856
    • icon - the name of the icon to use
    • size (optional) - it accepts the same sizes as the data-size attribute
/* Icon only */
@mixin icon chevron-right
/* Icon and size */
@mixin icon chevron-right, sm
  • new icon css variables #856
    • --icon-size-xs
    • --icon-size-sm
    • --icon-size-md
    • --icon-size-lg
    • --icon-size-xl
    • --icon-size-xxl
    • --icon-width
    • --icon-aspect-ratio
    • --icon-gap
  • installed svgo-loader to optimise and remove attributes from svg icons #856

Bug fixes 🐛

  • icon labels in Article Footer are now hidden correctly #870
  • fixed an issue where yarn --production needed to be set to false to install correct dependancies and to let webpack compile #872
  • fixed an issue where all headers inherited extra padding when the .floating class was present, instead of only the first header #839
  • pages containing the gen4 mega menu and the .floating class now have the correct padding set on the first header #839

Deprecation notice⚠️

  • the following classes have been deprecated and will be removed in a later version:
    • Card Icons - #856
      • .card__image-icon
    • Icons - #856
      • .small - use data-size="md" instead
      • .large - use data-size="xxl" instead
      • .fill - use data-fill="true" instead
      • .icon--hide-label - use data-hide-label="true" instead
    • .video-thumb and .audio-thumb #877

Other changes

  • updated Icons to the new VID #856
  • updated Colour Palette #867 #877
    • --col-maroon-75 ➡️ rgb(150 90 120)
    • --col-maroon-50 ➡️ rgb(185 145 165)
    • --col-maroon-25 ➡️ rgb(220 200 210)
    • --col-green-dark-25 ➡️ rgb(202 208 198)
    • --col-outline-success ➡️ var(--col-green-dark-100)
  • updated all components to use the new icons #856 #877
  • updated raw uses of svg to <span data-icon="">...</span> #856
  • updated assets/style-guide/icons/index.js to convert .small and .large ➡️ data-size and .icon--hide-label ➡️ data-hide-label #856
  • updated assets/webpack.config.js to optimise svg files using svgo-loader #856
  • ported over Header cms changes #839
  • added in missing e2e tests for CMS pages #871

Documentation updates

  • created CMS pages to document raw use of <svg> until the components have been updated in the cms #856
  • created CMS Icons to document deprecated .small, .large, .fill, and .icon--hide-label classes #856
  • updated Icons to show new data-size, data-label-size, data-hide-label, and data-fill attributes #856 #876
  • created data-align-grid helper to vertically center align items in the grid #856
<div class="grid" data-align-grid="center"></div>