
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Text Level .text-level-7 had an incorrect font-weight of semibold. It been changed to regular #1042
  • Form buttons now shows the arrow icon and change cursor type when hovered on #1041
  • fixed issue where :not-has was being shown in the source code viewer #1051

Other changes

  • you can now override font styles inside the typography mixins. Each mixin now exposes variables that can be overridden #1042
    • --ff - font-family
    • --fs - font-size
    • --fw - font-weight
    • --fvs - font-variation-settings
    • --lh - line-height
    • --ls - letter-spacing
@mixin typography-level-5 {
  --fw: var(--fw-bold);
  • removed unnecessary font-weight overrides from some components as the typography mixin being used had the same value #1042
  • Form buttons are now styled using the button class to ensure consistency with other Buttons #1041
  • .inline-button and input[type='image'] now use the button mixins, removing the need for the inlinebutton mixin #1041
  • created helper to add the button class to all existing input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], and button[type="submit"] elements on cms pages #1041
  • refactored button mixins back to css #1046
  • migrated some styles from assets/style-guide/typography/_typography.css
    • lists ➡️ assets/style-guide/lists/_lists.css #1048
    • text helpers ➡️ assets/style-guide/typography/_text.css #1048
    • .no-padding ➡️ assets/style-guide/helpers/_spacing.css #1048
  • migrated blockquote styles from assets/style-guide/typography/ ➡️ assets/style-guide/blockquote/ #1048
  • updated assets/postcss.config.js to allow mixins to be imported from any folder #1046
  • resolved some prettier and eslint conflicts #1045
    • removed conflicting rules from .eslintrc
    • removed eslint-plugin-no-mixed-operators
  • added some pages containing forms to the regression suite #1041
  • updated assets/postcss.config.js to ensure that postcss-preset-env transpiles :has for older versions of firefox #1051

Documentation updates