
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

Other changes

  • Updated <div class="uom-megamenu">...</div> ➡️ <header class="uom-megamenu">...</header> #417
  • Set up e2e accessibilty testing using cypress #417
    • Installed cypress-axe
    • Set up test:e2e:a11y command in package.json to run accessibility tests. To run manually use yarn test:e2e:a11y
    • Implemented initial test for Accordion
  • Increased test coverage for Header component #412
  • Created PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md for reviewer and author of pull requests to complete tasks before merging changes #416
  • Updated cypress to v9.6.1 #417
  • Updated some packages in yarn.lock
    • Applied patch updates #413
    • Applied minor updates #415