
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

Breaking Changes 💥

  • An accessibility feature requires that <div role="main">...</div> has an id #345 #347
    • It needs to match the value of the <a href="..."> in the Skip to content component.
    • The Mega menu uses main-content so the suggestion is to use that.
    • For further details view the Document Structure code example on Getting Started
<div class="skip-link">
  <a href="#main-content" class="skip-link__anchor" data-no-scroll>
    Skip to main content
<div role="main" id="main-content">...</div>

Deprecation notices ⚠️

  • Removed no-js from <html lang="en" class="no-js"> #344
  • Classes marked for deprecation in v7.0.0 have been removed #343
    • .soundcloud-cover and .soundcloud
    • .video .video--21-9 and .half .video
    • .diamond-mask and .staff-listing-detailed--diamond
    • .inset-left and .inset-right
  • Other deprecated classes have been removed
    • .headerless
    • .gmap__canvas

Other changes

  • We now recommended you use the integration build for gen4 #342
<link href="https://dds-gen4.web.unimelb.edu.au/latest/integration/client.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="https://dds-gen4.web.unimelb.edu.au/latest/integration/client.js" async=""></script>
  • Removed some legacy styles in nested ol #340
  • Updated husky to use lint-staged. eslint and prettier now only runs on staged files, fixes them, and then adds them back into the current commit #338
  • Created .vscode/extentions.json to recommend extentions for new developers to install. #338
  • Created .vscode/settings.json to congigure auto-formatting of files on save. #338
  • Removed redundant bodyclass code from create-namespace.js #341
  • Some content updates #339
  • Renamed components #339
    • text ➡️ text-boxes
    • base ➡️ typography
  • Migrated _blockquote.css, _citation.css, _code.css,and _lead.css from text ➡️ typography #339
  • Migrated pages to Style Guide section #339
  • Created Colour palette page #339
  • Updated mega menu to reflect new site IA #339
  • Added hero images for homepage and all content pages #339
  • Reduced image banner height from 70vh ➡️ 50vh as 70% of the vertical space of the page means the actual page content is barely visible above the fold #339
  • Increased text-shadow contrast inside banners #339
  • Corrected URLs of Gen3 resources in Getting Started #345