
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

Deprecation notices ⚠️

  • Survey prompt has been removed and no longer works. If you were using it on your website you can now remove any references to it #323
<link rel="stylesheet" href=".../prompt.css" />
<script id="uom-prompt-script" src=".../prompt.js"></script>
<script id="uom-prompt-template" type="text/template">...</script>
  • Announcement component has been removed and no longer works. If you were using it on your website you can now remove any references to it #324
<div class="page-announcement">
  <a class="page-announcement__message" href="...">...</a>
  <button class="page-announcement__close" type="button">...</button>
  • forms micro-library has been removed and no longer works. If you were using it on your website you can now remove any references to it #325
<link rel="stylesheet" href=".../forms.css" />
<script src=".../forms.js"></script>

Other changes

  • Updated deployment instructions in README.md #322
  • Migrated development, preview, and release content from README.md to /docs/development.md, /docs/preview.md, and /docs/release.md #329
  • Updated all documentation references of http ➡️ https #328
  • Added "node": true to .eslintrc #327 #328
  • changed web.unimelb.edu.au ➡️ designsystem.web.unimelb.edu.au #327
  • Renamed documentation site from Web.Unimelb ➡️ Gen 3 Design System #327