
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

New features ✨

<div class="embed">
  <iframe data-label="...."></iframe>
<div class="embed">
  <iframe data-thumbnail="..."></iframe>

Bug fixes 🐛

  • fixed an issue where all iframes inherited a 16/9 ratio instead of the height defined on the iframe #1448
  • playwright now properly masks iframes and video elements in snapshot tests #1455

Other changes

  • updated Embedded Media to the new VID #1448
  • simplified playwright process of injecting css into pages during snapshot tests #1455
  • removed broken/not found pages from the regression suite #1464
  • added some more page variations to the regression suite #1464

Documentation updates