
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

New features ✨

Bug fixes 🐛

  • fixed an issue where Inline Form inputs were slightly larger than other form inputs #1107

Other changes

  • Form inputs that are hovered on will change back to their default background colour when focused #1107
  • Select dropdown has been widened a bit #1112
  • updated Radio Button colour on .bg-primary background #1104
  • increased Checkbox size to 1.5rem and icon size to 1.5rem #1104
  • tidied up Radio Buttons and Checkboxes #1104
  • removed top margin from the Card header and added bottom margin to the image #1100
  • removed custom typography from Card Subheading and increased the margin between divider #1100
  • updated Card Icon to use the primary colour #1100
  • Page Header now uses the FancySelect redirect code #1112
  • removed .styled-select custom html and css by styling the <select> element directly #1112
  • renamed some Form Theme vars #1104
    • --col-form-input-checked ➡️ --col-form-checkbox-icon
    • --col-form-input-checked-hover ➡️ --col-form-checkbox-hover
    • --col-form-input-checked-active ➡️ --col-form-checkbox-selected
  • removed --col-form-input-checked-inverted theme var as the background mixins now handle changing its colour #1104
  • yarn playwright now compiles code to the dist and _site-docker folders before running the e2e tests #1105
  • removed clean:snapshots:regression script #1105
  • updated test:snapshots:regression ➡️ test:regression #1105
yarn test:regression
  • updated test:updatesnapshots ➡️ test:update:snapshots #1105
yarn test:update:snapshots
  • added preplaywright, predocker, and prebuild scripts removing the need for test:setup and clean:test #1105
  • removed deprecated test:e2e:a11y and test:snapshots:pages scripts #1105
  • refactored typography mixins back to css #1106
  • refactored grid mixins back to css #1108
  • removed deprecated code from assets/style-guide/forms/fancyselect.js #1112
  • removed sustainable.unimelb.edu.au from regression suite #1110

Documentation updates