
Before you upgrade, please take note of any breaking changes and deprecation notices which may affect your site. View the Upgrade Guide to see examples of how to address breaking changes.

New features ✨

  • Set up automated unit testing of components #377
    • Installed jest and set up config in jest.config.js
    • Added eslint-plugin-jest configuration to .eslintrc
    • Set up test:jest command in package.json to run jest. To run manually use yarn test:jest
  • Unit tests now cover the following components: #386 #383 #382 #381

Bug fixes 🐛

  • Fixed semaphore badge #375
  • fixed higlightjs colour contrast #371
  • Fixed Icons documentation page #378

Other changes

  • Migrated buttons, colour, embed, figure, forms, icons, tables, and typography folders from components ➡️ style-guide #384
  • Created .browserslistrc file to manage supported browsers when compiling js and css #377
  • Updated babel to use @babel/preset-env #377
  • Moved babel settings from package.json to babel.config.js #377
  • Tidied up colour variables usage throughout the codebase #366
  • Removed colour pallete page #366