
The tags component can be used as just tags or with links to other pages.

Default tag

  • Fugiat anim
  • Lorem enim
  • Dolor

You can link to other pages by using an <a> element.

Inverted tag

Use the class tags__item--inverted to invert a certain tag.

  • Fugiat anim
  • Lorem enim
  • Dolor

You can link to other pages by using an <a> element.

Aligning tags

Tags can also be aligned to the center or right.

Center aligned tags

Use the class tags__list--center to center align the tags.

  • Fugiat anim
  • Lorem enim
  • Dolor

Right aligned tags

Use the class tags__list--right to align the tags to the right.

  • Fugiat anim
  • Lorem enim
  • Dolor

Active tag

Use the class tags__item--active to highlight a certain tag.

  • Fugiat anim
  • Fugiat anim

Active link tag